IT and going concerns

Today, technology transforms enterprises’ products/services and moves them from the backroom of an organisation into the hands of customers and society. This has has contributed to making products/services increasingly customised for the customer, as society shifts steadily towards a service economy.

Over the past 10 years, as technology develops, many phenomena emerge that, when put together, have radically changed the capacity of businesses to create customer-centric services and products. The ability for innovation and small-scale improvement to happen more quickly has also increased, which is the most significant development. 

Majority of businesses these days face security threats and vandalism. Therefore, tech can be used to safeguard financial information, private executive decisions, and other proprietary data that give businesses a competitive edge. In other words, technology helps companies to protect their ideas from rivals and hackers. A company can prevent competition from stealing any of its upcoming projects by securing its computers with passwords.

A company that has tech tools to investigate new opportunities will always be one step ahead of its rivals. For a business to survive, it must grow and acquire new opportunities. 

Due to improved communication between employees working in various locations, technology fosters a dynamic team within a company. 

A business operations manager, Mr Godwin Eromosere, described technology as a force behind a company’s growth. According to him, business owners must be willing to embrace technology if they wish to compete globally. 

“It is not a debatable question. Looking back, I can say, for sure, that no one expected that business executives around the world could have a meeting without leaving their countries. Today, it is possible. Technology has made everything easy for us.”


Business technology

Business technology is a collection of management techniques, instruments, organisational frameworks and technology governance intended to optimise technology use across the organisation, with the over-arching goal of meeting customer expectations.

Technology management across the entire company can be organised and coordinated using business technology. 

Most companies are aware of the need to constantly challenge themselves and their rivals to enhance both their ability to satisfy customer demand and their perception among customers.

Today’s technology function may collaborate with all business areas to make their skills available, while also embracing the disciplines of customer focus, revenue generation and product development from other parts of the organisation. 

Emerging technologies are hastening digital transformation, necessitating business and process development as well as forward-thinking governance. Business capabilities are the sum of all processes and assets (systems and data) within the company that comprise the entire business organisation, including any supporting function. 

According to studies, business capabilities are the key to developing the business and utilising technology in the best possible way. 

Digitalisation opens up new business opportunities and necessitates consistent design thinking about how to interact with customers, partners and employees in a networked multi-channel world.

Here are some reasons technology is key for businesses:



Technology enables faster, wider and more efficient communication. This includes interactions with internal and external publics. Meetings across geographical borders are made more convenient by video conferencing technologies such as Skype and Zoom. Within an organisation, an app like Slack or Asana can help one simplify communication. One can use this to track projects, task details, deadlines and so on, regardless of whether they work under the same roof or remotely. Email, newsletters, social media and other platforms are all essential communication tools.



Tight security is essential for all businesses, given the rise in cybercrime and data breaches. Today, major business assets are kept on endpoints or in the cloud. Companies now need to implement stringent security measures to protect their own and their customer’s data.



Systems, goods and services are more effective; thanks to technology. It supports the management of contacts and employee records, as well as the tracking and streamlining of processes. This improved operational efficiency lowers costs and enables the company to expand quickly.


Employee assistance

Majority of workers believes that using the most recent technologies will enable them to produce the best results, so they feel compelled to use them when carrying out their duties. To improve outcomes, businesses must take into account the cost-output relationship and offer the right technology.


Budget and time 

Technology, without a doubt, enables businesses to accomplish more in less time without compromising the quality of goods/services. Technology is now taking over the repetitive tasks that previously required human labour. In reducing employee costs or putting them to work where they are truly needed, this aids.

To fully benefit from technological tools, businesses must have a thorough understanding of them. Companies can track their data, sales, productivity levels and expenses with the aid of Management Information Systems. Data can be used to pinpoint opportunities for expansion, as well as areas that need improvement. A business’ ability to manage information systems will enable it to innovate, expand into new markets, lower operating costs, improve customer service and have competitive edge over rivals.

“We have had everything made easy with technology; though people are scared that in years to come, majority will be out of jobs due to Artificial Intelligence,” says Mrs Oke Christina, a recruiting officer. 


Effect of tech on small businesses

Technology has completely changed how businesses operate by allowing smaller businesses to compete on an equal footing with larger ones. To gain advantage in the economic marketplace, small businesses use variety of technologies, including everything from servers to mobile devices. 


Enhanced communication techniques

Small businesses can enhance their communication processes with the aid of business tech. Improved customer communication is made possible by tools like emails, short message services, websites and apps, for instance. Companies can saturate the economic market with their message by utilising a variety of Information Technology Communication methods. Through these electronic communication channels, businesses may also get more customer feedback.


Increased productivity

Small businesses can increase their employees’ productivity through the use of technology. Computer programs and business software usually allow employees to process more information than manual methods. Business owners can use technology to streamline operations and cut down on the need for labour. This enables small businesses to save money on both labour and benefit expenses.


Last line

Employee performance, among others, can be significantly impacted by even basic business technology.

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