Capital market committee commends FCTA on COVID-19 response

The Capital Market Support Committee on COVID-19 has commended the Federal Capital Territory Administration for assisting the Federal Government to combat the pandemic.

The acting Director General of Securities and Exchange Commission, Mary Uduk, gave the commendation in Abuja when she led other members of the committee during the donation of an ambulance and other essentials to the FCTA by the CMSCC.

Uduk while acknowledging the various ongoing efforts to combat the pandemic, both from the government and private sectors, said the capital market recognized the need to lend its support towards strengthening those efforts.​

“Consequently, the​ Nigerian capital market community, led by the Securities and Exchange Commission, in April of this year, set up the​ Capital Market Support Committee on COVID-19, to mobilise the necessary resources and coordinate all efforts required in that regard.​

“The committee has been mobilising financial support and other resources from capital market participants and stakeholders for the purpose of providing medical and protective supplies as well as other palliatives.​

“The CMSCC hereby announces the execution of the first phase of its intervention.​This phase would cover donation of ambulances and other medical items to Lagos State, Kano State and the Federal Capital Territory, being centres with relatively high number of cases. The CMSCC would also be donating an ambulance to the Presidential Task Force on Covid-19, to support the efforts in flattening the curve in Nigeria.

“We encourage all capital market stakeholders to key into this initiative and contribute to the CMSCC COVID-19 fund to enable the capital market community deliver on planned future interventions. We also encourage fellow Nigerians to continue to take necessary safety precautions and abide by directives issued by the Federal Government and relevant health agencies. Together, we will overcome this pandemic. We believe these donations will aid in fighting the pandemic and flattening the curve in Nigeria.”.

In her remarks, the Minister of State, FCTA, Dr.​ Ramatu Tijjani Aliyu​, urged Nigerians to continue to follow laid-down protocols to prevent the spread of​ COVID-19.

She said, “We know that lockdown is being eased. But this is not the time to let down our guard. We must continue to maintain social distancing, use our face masks when in public places as well as other protocols.

Aliyu also commended the SEC for the donation.

The CMSCC was set up on April 16, 2020,​ to coordinate the capital market community’s contribution to fighting COVID-19 and has Ariyo Olushekun as chairman.

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