Group laments insecurity at Lagos airport

Agents operating at the cargo shed of the Murtala Muhammed Airport 2, under the auspices of the Domestic Airport Cargo Agents Association, have called on the management of the shed to enhance security, warning of the dangers of non-restriction of access to that part of the airport.

DACAA made this call on Wednesday when it hosted the executive members of the League of Airports and Aviation Correspondents at its office.

Speaking during the visit, the Chairman of DACAA, Monday Subair, explained that as one of the important clients of Bi-Courtney Aviation Services Limited, operators of MMA2, efforts to relate on how the security of cargo could improve at the terminal had been fruitless.

He, however, expressed worry that the cargo shed had become an all-comers’ affair.

Subair called on the management to change its approach by working more harmoniously with DACAA, to further monitor and, if possible, regulate activities at the cargo shed.

Noting that the terminal had screening machines for all cargo, he insisted that security had gone beyond screening equipment.

His words, “The terminal operator has screening machines to screen cargo that go in there, but a lot still needed to be done to enhance security at the terminal

“MMA2 management has refused to recognise us despite the volume of businesses we bring to them daily. There is need to improve security at the cargo shed because it is porous.”

The association, he added, finds it difficult to get record of its members that go into MMA2 cargo shed.

“We have approached them several times, held meetings with them for us to have access to the volume of cargo by our members. But we are yet to get response from them. I foresee some challenges at the cargo shed soon because it is not well-coordinated, as it is.”

Anozie Egole
Anozie Egole
Anozie Egole is a Transport correspondent. He reports Maritime, Aviation and Rail/Road Transport for Financial Street.

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