NDDC tells OICs to pay only into CBN offshore account

The Niger Delta Development Commission has advised international oil companies to make payments only into its Central Bank of Nigeria offshore account.

According to a statement by NDDC’s acting Managing Director, Prof. Kemebradikumo Pondei, the warning became necessary to prevent oil companies from being defrauded.

Pondei alleged that a security agency was coercing IOCs to pay three per cent revenue of their commission into a private account in London.

He said, “It has come to the attention of the management of the NDDC that a certain security agency is coercing International Oil Companies into paying three per cent revenue of the commission into a private account in London and in the security agency’s account in London.

“Kindly note that it is only the account of the NDDC in the CBN offshore account that such monies can be paid into.”

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